
This past Wednesday, September 13th, was my 26th wedding anniversary to my wonderful wife. Together, we've raised three beautiful, talented children to adulthood. We survived bad times and celebrated in good times. To celebrate our 26th year, I took my wife to see Cirque du Soleil's Echo.

Cirque du Soleil Echo marketing image

Echo is "a tale about evolution as well as the symbiotic relationships that our lives depend on." The show beautifully depicts our relationship to animals, other people and the world itself. At the beginning of the show before the lights fade, a character emerges and looks silently at the audience. His costume is white with black intersecting lines, topped with a spiky geometric hat. In his hands are orange architectural tools. Throughout the show, he assists the heroine of the story make the right choices to influence the evolution of the world. After the show (which is terrific by the way), I thought about the similarities between the show and our lives together.

My wife and I have worked together as architect and heroine over two and a half decades. Making the vow to live our lives together, good or bad. Make the sometimes difficult decisions about where we'll live, how to raise our children, what causes we'll support, even what pets we'll give forever homes to.

I'm super proud of what we've done together! Here's to another beautiful year together!

Tags: cirque du soleil, anniversary

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